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Dog bite accident

Dog bite accident

In California, dog owners are liable for dog bites even if the owner was not negligent. 

This is called “strict liability.” 

If you are attacked by a dangerous dog or other animal, identify the type of animal and its owner as soon as possible and go to the police or an animal welfare organization to file a report. 

You should also identify witnesses and keep records of what happened. 

If you or your child is bitten by a dog or attacked by another animal, what compensation is available and in what order medical treatment is provided, and 

It is important to understand whether you are entitled to fair compensation for facial scar treatment and the pain and suffering you have endured. 

Typically, coverage for dog bites or other attacks is attached to a home or business policy. 

Legal Services Process for Dog Bite Accidents 


Free on-site consultation 

Richard Joo Attorney Free Consultation + On-site Consultation


Case Analysis 

Identify the pros and cons of the case, Advice on values and prospects


Case request 

Refer your case to Richard Joo 


Dog owner identification 

Review all possibilities for compensation. Example) Home insurance and property investigation of the landlord, etc.


Record review 

California State Animal Control Office Records of dogs causing accidents through (Review of past accident facts) 


Client's hospital treatment completed 

Obtaining medical opinion and preparing for negotiation 



Negotiating with insurance companies for the best settlement amount 



• Generally speaking, until an agreement is reached Approximately 6 to 12 months from the date of the incident It takes time.

• Client agreement or low compensation, etc. If an agreement cannot be reached for any reason File a lawsuit

Things to keep in mind when proceeding with a lawsuit 

Before filing a lawsuit, the attorney will analyze and explain to the client all the possible scenarios in case the case goes to trial, and will also explain in detail all the things the client may be curious about, and then the client will decide whether or not to file a lawsuit. 

If you file a lawsuit, the trial date will be set approximately 12 to 18 months from the date the lawsuit is filed. 

Please note that a settlement is possible at any time, even during the trial after filing a lawsuit. 

* The above process is an example for a general case. For each case, we will analyze and proceed with the most appropriate procedure to achieve the maximum effect. 



The couple next door have a large, ferocious dog, and  
recently my eight-year-old daughter was bitten on the hand and leg by the dog in front of our house. 

The child's doctor said that the wounds on the leg are expected to heal over time, but the nerves in the hand appear to have been damaged, and  
it cannot be ruled out that the current difficulty moving the thumb may continue in the future. 

What legal steps should I take next to ensure my daughter receives adequate compensation?


In California, dog owners are liable for dog bites even if the owner was not negligent. 

This is called “strict liability,” and “strict liability” only applies if you are bitten by a dog,  
not if the dog simply knocks the victim down. 

Negligence here means that the owner either broke local leash laws or  
failed to control the dog despite knowing that the dog was aggressive and dangerous, and the victim must prove this. 

Even if the bite mark cannot be confirmed, the victim still needs to prove that the dog owner was negligent. 

Typically, liability coverage for dog bites or other attacks is attached to a home or business policy, and  
if the victim did not illegally enter someone else's property or did not first provoke or attack the dog,  
the victim may be able to make a personal injury claim for medical expenses and pain and suffering. 

In dog bite accidents, the victims are often children, and the most common injuries are  
the hands and arms, often resulting in nerve damage in these areas. 

In addition, there are cases where permanent scars are left on the face and hands, and  
in cases of dog bites, the victims often suffer great pain due to nerve damage and permanent scars, and thus  
receive high compensation amounts. 

<Dog bite accident prevention and response tips> 

About 70% of dog bite accidents are involving minor children.  
Therefore, in order to protect children from dog bite accidents, it is most important to educate them on accident prevention, such as getting permission from the owner to touch a dog, and  
not touching a dog while it is eating. 

If you are attacked by a dangerous dog or other animal, identify the type of animal and its owner as soon as possible and  
go to the police or an animal welfare organization to file a report. 

You should also identify witnesses, take notes about what happened, and then promptly contact a personal injury attorney to discuss your case. 

A trustworthy personal injury attorney  
will carefully review all possible compensation options, including checking the dog owner's home insurance and the landlord's assets, to ensure that the victim's rights are met as a result of their injury.

The RYC Law Offices specializes in serious accident cases. 

  • Truck/Bus Accidents
  • Motorcycle Accidents
  • Airplane/Helicopter Accidents
  • Tire Tread Accidents: Products Liability 
  • Car Defects: Crushed Roof, Roll-overs, Car Fires 
  • Road Design Defects: Caltrans/Government Entity 
  • Victims of public power assault (Civil Rights) 

Office Location

RYC Law, P.C.
3435 Wilshire Blvd, 

Ste 2510, Los Angeles, 
CA 90010

Contact Us

Phone : (323) 856-1143
Fax : (323) 421-9329

© RYC Law, P.C. All rights reserved.

Office Location

RYC Law, P.C.
3435 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 2510
Los Angeles, CA 90010

© RYC Law, P.C. All rights reserved.

Contact Us

Phone : (323) 856-1143
Fax : (323) 421-9329